Things to consider about PWA

Maybe some of us already know about what is PWA. If I can give a brief explanation PWA or Progressive Web Apps is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to…


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Althash Tokens

One of the best features of the htmlcoin blockchain is the ability to do smart contracts. The typical use of smart contracts is to make a token.

If you’re like I was, maybe you’re still wondering what the difference is between coins and tokens. Well, from a purely technical standpoint, coins run on their own blockchain (like htmlcoin), and tokens run on host blockchains (BBCT, for instance, runs on htmlcoin’s blockchain).

We can even translate that into real world examples to some extent. The dollar would be the “coin.” In other words, the dollar currency has its own “blockchain.” Bus tokens, on the other hand, wouldn’t actually have value unless they were used on the dollar’s “blockchain.” The ability for bus tokens to have any value is based on how people perceive its dollar value. Continuing the comparison to crypto, bus tokens rely on the dollar’s “blockchain.”

Tokens are programmable. It is possible to mint tokens, burn tokens, transfer tokens, transfer tokens on someone else’s behalf (assuming they approved it), and so many other things…. Only limited by your imagination (or lack thereof :P).

While most people think of tokens as “just another currency that’s easy for anyone to make,” tokens are but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to smart contracts. Smart contracts are the programming itself. They determine how tokens transfer, if they can transfer, and so much more. You can sell tokens via the contract so that they are automatically dispensed. You can collect htmlcoin when people send it to the contract and either hold indefinitely or use it for prizes, payouts, etc.

So, now that we’ve discussed the basics of token, how can you make one? Let’s cover a few of the ways.

Althash tokens are arguably the coolest part of htmlcoin. Well, if we’re being technical again smart contracts are the coolest part. ANYONE with a handful of htmlcoin can make tokens and become a part of the ecosystem.

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