WTF is Sedition?

The last four years have had a lot of legal experts looking up once-obscure terminology. Emoluments, insurrection, sedition. These are not words I learned in law school. But, here we are. As 2020…


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Write for Social Science

Every time I went to a party in university and told someone that I studied psychology, at least one person would ask me, “So you can read minds?”

Unfortunately, no. Still, there’s a lot of really interesting things that the social sciences can teach us about ourselves. The vision for this publication is that: sharing what we know about ourselves and the research that has discovered it.

Have a story? We would love for you to share it with us!

We typically publish stories and articles about science related to human behaviour. This very clearly includes psychology, sociology, criminology, economics. It could also include sports science, marketing, medicine, philosophy, biology… and more.

Basically, we’re open to anything that teaches us about ourselves. But we have an emphasis on science. This publication is really about taking interesting research and explaining it in an accessible way. We want to demystify science; social scientists might not read minds, but they do know some interesting things!

Here are some ideas of things we would love to publish:

We’re super open. Feel free to pitch stories on the edges of those categories and see what happens. We may not accept every story, but we’ll be grateful for the submission!

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