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The Festival of Brexit That Was Nothing to Party About

Why let a good party go to waste when the population is starving and freezing in their own homes?

Brexit was an incredibly divisive vote in 2016 to separate the United Kingdom from the European Union that split the country, family, and friends right down the middle. There can be no denying the societal impact it created that reverberated around the world.

Those in support of it wanted to be free of the oppressive yoke of the European Union, wanted to eliminate the bureaucracy foisted on the country by unelected bureaucrats in the EU. They were told by Leave politicians and campaigners that they needed to take back their sovereignty, that the country needed to be in control of its money, its borders, and its laws.

Those who wanted to remain in the EU were accused of not being patriotic enough, of not believing in Britain, of fearmongering when the realities of leaving were pointed out. But they were more concerned about what the country was going to lose, how their freedom to travel was going to be curtailed, and how red tape was going to swamp businesses that were accustomed to seamless, just-in-time exportation to the European Union.

Wounds were cut deep then, that are still trying to heal now.

In 2018, the then Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced that there was going to be a national celebration to mark the newfound freedom that the Uk had achieved by holding a festival to showcase the benefits of Brexit.

There were objections from various factions, concerned about the message it was sending and the cost to the taxpayers. Those concerns were ignored and it received the final stamp of approval from the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, in 2019 when he won a majority in the House of Commons.

The Festival of Brexit was scheduled to begin in March 2022 and conclude in October of the same year.

The price tag for the seven-month-long celebration was £120m, and that equated to about £17m a month, £4m a week.

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